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Go green with Loowie!

Updated: May 5, 2019

What better time of the year than Spring to feel connected to earth and its resources?

In the last past months, people have been reacting more than ever to environmental issues. You have seen for sure shocking photos and information shared to rise awareness and when we ask people about the effect it has on them, it clearly works. However, we all DO need to change our daily manners to improve the human impact on this planet.

As a brand new ecology-concerned company, Loowie aims to be helpful to those who are not sure where to start to act in an eco-friendly way. We propose you a large range of eco-friendly and sustainable footwear to wear in- and outside for affordable prices to enable you to contribute to rather responsible practices. There is a lot more you can do everyday!

If you follow us on Instagram, you may have noticed the tips we have been sharing about how to go green step by step. Our aim is to guide you through little daily habits that will help you play a role in the protection of our resources, which will change your perception of life and which will make you feel way more positivity! This is what really matters: make proper of what you know, see or hear about the risky point we have reached because of human action. Instead of being the guilty ones, shall we together be the heroes of tomorrow.

When you go to the supermarket, plan your weekly grocery-shopping and bring your own reusable bag to help reducing plastic waste.

If you enjoy sipping your morning coffee before going to work, carry your own mug in your bag and ask to have your drink served in it: no plastic straw, cup or lid.

Why not try buying second-hand from time to time to give creations a second life and reduce your fast-fashion consumption.

We will provide you daily information about the progress made little by little throughout the world and keep on letting you know about easy ways to go green with loowie! Follow us on Instagram on @loowiefootwear and tag us or use #loowiegoesgreen to share your ideas and results!

Sometimes, the smallest efforts can lead to the biggest changes. Why not start now?

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